Inspire, Motivate, Educate, and Connect
Inspire, Motivate, Educate, and Connect: Why?
Sometimes it is necessary to understand the history and the events that lead up to creating a blog or community. With so many other blogs and websites on the web, do we need another one dedicated to inspire, motivate, educate, and connect? Hopefully, you will enjoy what The Conversation Community brings to the table.
Telling our history will enable you to connect to us as individuals as well as a group. As we educate each other through our personal experiences, we find inspiration and motivation. We have come a long way, baby, and our history is relevant and interesting enough to share it with you. Trust me; it is a long read, but worth it. Ultimately, you will better understand what The Conversation Community has to offer you. In turn, hopefully, you will want to connect with us. So, here goes!
A little history to inspire you:
As far back as I can remember, I have had a deep desire for meaningful conversations about personal growth, motivation, and inspiration. I’ve genuinely wanted to understand what people were thinking, how they felt, and what motivated them to do the things they do. Likewise, I have wanted to share my thoughts, dreams, and fears with others. One could say, I was a deep thinker and had an insatiable hunger for subjects of the heart and mind. Today, I am still the same.
Through the years, I yearned for in-depth conversations. Unfortunately, most of my conversations revolved around stories of last weekend, work, or what’s for dinner. That is until I met Robb, my life partner, and the love of my life. Robb is a dreamer, entrepreneur, lover of life, and, seriously, the best guy I know. Undoubtedly, I am very fortunate.
How do Nomads connect?
Together, Robb and I have chosen a nomadic lifestyle. In other words, we live on the road full-time in our RV, hotels, and rental properties. Our transient lifestyle has many benefits, such as freedom, excitement, and adventure. Conversely, the distance from friends and family can often lead a person to feel isolated, depressed, and lonely.
At times, I have experienced all these emotions. Even when surrounded by lots of friends at parties, family events, and work functions, I’ve felt something was missing. My need to connect with others through stimulating deep conversations was not met. Particularly, I desired some dialogue that allowed me to know who you are and what makes you the person you have become, maybe even conversation that would inspire, educate or motivate me.
Meet the Team

Maureen Wright
The Conversation Community is a connection. It gives me a sense of belonging to a community of thinkers, doers, dreamers and those that desire a more intimate or intentional conversation.
We talk about real-life situations, how we grow, and how we view our world. TCC promotes personal growth through our experiences, acceptance, and expansion of thought.
As a full-time Nomad, connecting with friends and family is even more important.
TCC provides a platform for me to maintain and enhance these relationships as well as provide an opportunity to meet new friends.

Treva Suit
Hi! My name is Treva and part of the year I live near Goldsboro, Maryland which is a rural area of the Delmarva peninsula. The other part of the year I travel with my husband, Ronnie for work with our electrical business. I enjoy both travel and time on my 50 acre slice of heaven, however I do miss time with friends and family when we are on the road. For me, The Conversation Community means connection! Connection with others, who like me want to have meaningful and intentional conversations. Others who want to learn and grow. It is amazing how many handy hints and tips we share with each other, enhancing our experience in this life. Here for me, could be here on the Delmarva or here could be a hotel or RV anywhere we may roam. I am glad that you are here, wherever that is for you and I hope we can connect soon here at The Conversation Community.

Matt Saavedra Wright
Hello my name is Matt and I’m so very grateful I have an opportunity to share more about myself, my passions, the principals I strive to practice on a daily basis and ultimately convey my journey to find purpose in this beautiful life that I share with all of you. I am hopeful that by the end of this article we will have a deeper connection and you having a greater understanding of myself.
Currently, I reside in Costa Mesa, California with my husband Oscar and three “Kiddos” Chupis, Dillinger and Ramsey. To be clear, they are pets that benefit us as much as we do them! I have grown to accept that family can be made up of so much more than consanguinity. In fact, cognition bears zero merit when defining my “family”. I consider my family and my role as husband, son, brother and uncle to be of the highest blessing I can receive.

Oscar Saavedra Wright
Hello, my name is Oscar Saavedra Wright and I want to welcome you to the conversation community. Here I believe everyone has a story, a different perspective about everything and obstacles that are being overcome.
What’s my story?

Darci Combe
Hi everyone, so excited you are connecting to us at The Conversation Community. Some info about me as a contributor to the site.
Growing up with midwestern values life was conservative homogenous very cold & longed for the warmth of the sun. So, after getting a Liberal Arts degree in Communication Studies B.A. I was drawn to the ocean water & drove three days to California. I started work & attended an evening master’s program in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine. I have worked in various programs hospitals & treatment settings w direct patient care, moving into performance improvement & training while raising my family.
A Word from the Community

The Conversation Community provides a welcoming, positive environment to explore individual positions and others’ insight on thought-provoking topics. It challenges you to sometimes think outside of your box, reflect within, and often have heartfelt laughs with great friends!

Cheryl and David M.
Founding Members

The Conversation Community:
Sound off! What’s your pet peeve? Favorite dive bar? Or what to do when your kids make you nuts! It’s all open for discussion, here at “Off the Cuff”

Stevie D.
Founding Member