Virtual Book Club: Every Breath Week 2

Virtual Book Club: Every Breath Week 2

Virtual Book Club: Every Breath

Join Us, will you?

We will discuss the characters, their lives, romance, and adventure.

Be inspired, be motivated, and join us Saturdays at 10 am est., for The Conversation Community Virtual Book Club!

We will send you the link to our Book Club Zoom Room after you register below!

Book Club is a FREE event, so come out and join us!

See you at the Book Club!r

Off The Cuff: Weekly Topic

Off The Cuff: Weekly Topic

Topic: Off the Cuff Weekly: Join us for our LIVE Zoom event: Off the Cuff.  Each Tuesday The Conversation Community hosts an online LIVE video call to discuss topics based on our viewers’ submissions.  Join us for some laughs, meaningful conversations and connections.

Fill out the contact form and we will send you the link!

Cheryl and Dave Murphy are our hosts this week for this thought-provoking topic. Please join us LIVE!

TOPIC: Is it more important to help yourself, your family, your society, or the world? Why?

tcc screen shot


[contact-form to=”” subject=”Off the Cuff: Tuesday March 24″][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]

Beyond Happy Hour: A Virtual Event

Beyond Happy Hour: A Virtual Event

Beyond Happy Hour:TRIVIA: A Virtual Event

We hold all of our Virtual Events through Zoom.  Space is limited, so act now!  Reserve your spot for Beyond Happy Hour:TRIVIA: A Virtual Event!  Fill out the contact form, and we will send you a link to the event.  We start promptly at 7 pm est, so come a few minutes early to work through any technical challenges.

Wearing headphones and earbuds help keep the background noise at a minimum.  Also, it may help to avoid young children and teenagers hearing mishaps or colorful language.

Check out our other Virtual Events and blogs.  Welcome to The Conversation Community!

[contact-form to=”” subject=”Beyond Happy Hour: Please send me a link!”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea”][/contact-form]